Wednesday, April 21, 2010

a little off topic, but why not?

A slightly off topic post. Yesterday I took my Gram to the Parker House in Boston. She went there for the first time in 1944 on her honeymoon, and then again in 1945 when my Grandfather returned from WWII. She has not been back since.

I had to kidnap her a little bit, because had I told her where we were going I would have gotten an argument. I just said we were going to lunch - wear something pretty. She was totally excited when she found out where we were actually headed!

We had a delicious lunch - and were able to sit at table #40, the table where JFK proposed to Jackie. We took lots of pictures. A memorable day!

Pictured above? Gram sitting at the place she had martinis with my Grandfather in 1944.


  1. This is so cute. You are such a sweet granddaughter. :)

  2. What a beauty your Gram is and what a wonderful thing you did for her. It's a memory you'll always cherish.
