Friday, January 1, 2010

The Beginning - Day 1

And so it begins.

So nice to meet you. My name is Kate, and I'm unorganized. I want to be, and every year it's my resolution but I always fail. But... this year is going to be different. It's all about the blog, folks. It will keep me honest, and hopefully you can add some comments and/or ideas along the way.

You should be proud! I've spent a good part of my vacation reorganizing the house. The way I see it, I don't stand a chance being organized for a year if I start off with the house a complete disaster!

Let's go room by room, shall we?

The kitchen.

My favorite room in the house. You will notice clean countertops! The wallpaper has been stripped but needs to be prepped, primed and painted.

Look at those organized kitchen cabinets!

This used to be a wall. Now it's a big gaping hole with a lot of potential. My fantastic Father-in-law is helping us build a breakfast bar. We took the whole wall down and built this half wall. At this point we need the granite before we can move on to the next step.

The dining room.

It used to be impossible to keep warm because it was all by itself. This used to be a solid wall. We (along with Duane, my super Father-in-law) made a doorway. The difference in airflow and heat is HUGE!!!

The hutch. It was filled with scrapbooking crap - now it's organized!! Notice the very attractive bucket of joint compound in the corner...

The truth. The pile of tools and shit in the corner of my dining room. I want these to go away.

The living room.

The Christmas tree. (Awww...) This is my favorite place to read - my book is laid out. You will also notice Tommy and Quimby... the sweetest cats you'll ever meet. (Awww again!)

Slightly littered with Christmas stuff. Don't mind the box fan on the chair pointed at the pellet stove... another adventure in home ownership was our pellet stove blower thing making the most God-awful noise you can imagine. (Think fingernails on a blackboard...) so we were forced at 1:00 am (on a school night I might add) to rip the f**ker out. So to heat the house until the pellet man comes we are simply pointing a box fan at the stove and it's blowing hot air around. Classy, huh?

The sunroom.

This is Dennis' favorite place. We bought the house because of this room. All that needs to be done is to paint.

The downstairs bathroom.

On a particularly ambitious day last July, I stripped the wallpaper and took off the mirror. I thought... "Hey, this will be an improvement over the ugly wallpaper, and also easy! Yay me!" Not so much. Apparently we need to unbolt the toilet and sink in order to get at the wallpaper behind it. Ugh.

Another unexpected snag. Those cabinets don't go all the way to the wall. there's a wallpapered space between the cabinets and the wall. My body only fits in the small space if I twist myself at an unatural angle. If you think you can fit, I am willing to exchange a couple bottles of good wine for that wallpaper to disappear. Any takers? I got the vinyl part off and I'm thinking I will just prime/paint over the paper backing still stuck to the wall - does it really matter? It's behind the washer and dryer!

Look at those organized cabinets! Before this picture was taken they were filled with all kids of crap - from cat toys to Ann Taylor shopping bags... you name it. This is much better.

Upstairs is not done yet, I won't take a picture of the mess. :)

Thanks for taking the tour! If all goes according to plan, it should only get better from here!

Time to relax with a beer and book. Cheers, and Happy New Year!

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